Gisela offers PATHIntl. (formerly NARHA) approved Interactive Vaulting workshops & Internships, which may be customized to your individual needs.She will help you start your Interactive Vaulting Program and prepare you for the PATHIntl. (formerly NARHA) Interactive Vaulting Instructor certification.
Her workshops and internships are approved as the educational component of the PATHIntl. (formerly NARHA) Interactive Vaulting Instructor certification.
What is Interactive Vaulting?
Vaulting is an equestrian discipline, in which dynamic and static exercises and transitions are performed on and around a moving horse on a lunge line.
Who will benefit from an Interactive Vaulting sessions?
Children or adolescents with:
– minor physical disabilities
– developmental disabilities such as ADD and ADHD, autism, mental retardation, eating disorders and learning
– disabilities, problems to adapt in social settings like school, family and peer groups

What do you do in an Interactive Vaulting session?
In a group setting of 4 – 6 vaulters, the children learn how to groom and prepare a horse for the lesson before they enter the riding arena. During warm up they play games on and around the horse. After the horse and the children are warmed up the exercises on the horse begin. At the end of the lesson the children untack the horse, groom and return him to the pasture or his stall. The session takes about 60-90 minutes.
What are the benefits?
Besides the physical benefits of improving strength, balance, sensory-motor skills and coordination, vaulters will learn teamwork, consideration for their partners (horse and team mates), increase their attention span and gain an increased self-esteem. Interactive Vaulting gives an incredible sense of achievement.

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